When editing Picking Profiles in Lister, you can now select the Picking Method and Bin Count. This is the same set of features in Link's Custom Pick List options.
These new options in your Picking Profiles are designed for teams that use tote-picking carts for multi-item orders and want to pick orders more efficiently in larger warehouses.
Picking Profiles in Lister now have the following Picking Methods to sort items while picking:
  • By Order:
    Will route picker through inventory, completing one order at a time
  • By Location:
    Will route picker through inventory based on the inventory locations of all items, directing you to place each item in the appropriate bin for the order
In addition, Picking Profiles now have the option to set the total number of picking bins on your order picking carts via the
Bin Count
If you use tote-picking carts to pick multi item orders, this input sets the number of totes on each cart. This allows you to set the maximum number of orders pulled per batch. We recommend using removable numbered labels on your bins for these carts.
How to Use:
Admins and custom roles with access to manage Orders settings can customize multi-item picking profiles following the steps below:
  1. Navigate to the Admin>Orders Page
  2. Edit an existing
    Multi-Item Picking Profile
    or create a new one
  3. Set “Picking Method” to “By Location”
  4. Set the Bin Count to the same number of bins on your tote-picking carts
  5. Click the Green “Save” button
Using the new picking Profile in Link, you’ll be guided by location to each item in the pick list. Locate each item in inventory, then place it in the bin number designated in the "PLACE IN CART BIN" number shown in Link.
If using the Picking Method "Any" all single-item orders will be assigned to a single bin number.